HUD VASH HMIS Entry Workflow

HUD VASH HMIS Entry Workflow



All veterans referred to HUD-VASH will initially come through the CAM Access Site. Prior to making the referral, CAM staff will create a record in HMIS for all household members and will complete several of the HMIS intake assessment questions and VBNL data elements. The CAM Referral Coordinator will also create the VBNL Permanent Housing Plan goal, which will be used by veteran service providers to record biweekly Master List Update case notes. You will be sent referrals from the VBNL Coordinator, and you will have to either accept or decline the referral so please refer to the Running and Receiving the Referrals Report Job aide. 

Getting Started

The process begins with the following steps:

  1. EDA (Enter Data As) into your HUD-VASH provider page, if not already defaulted to that provider bin.

To EDA into your HUD-VASH page

  1. Click on the Enter Data As link located in to top right corner of the screen 
  2. Search for your HUD-VASH Page
  3. Click the green plus (+) sign to select that provider
  4. Click Exit 
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  1. Select backdate mode, if not entering data in real time. 

To enter backdate mode, 

  1. Click on the Back Date link located under the Enter Data As link in the upper right-hand corner of your screen 
  2. Enter the date the data was captured, if not today’s date.
  3. Click Set Back Date 

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Locate or Add Client in ClientPoint

  1. Locate and existing client or add a new client in ClientPoint
  1. Click on ClientPoint located in the left column of the screen
  2. Search for the client by entering the client’s details or by using the Client ID #.

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      -To search by the Client Name: enter the client details (i.e. first name, last name); click the Search button; and select the client from the Client Results.
      -To search by the Client ID #: enter the Client ID# and click the Submit button.
  1. If the client is in the search results, click the Green Plus sign from the results list.
  2. If the client is not located through the search, complete the Name Data Quality, Alias (if applicable), Full SSN (if available at this time), SSN Data Quality and U.S. Military Veteran (if an adult) fields.  Then click Add New Client with this Information and click OK.

NOTE: Once you have Identified the client you will want to go and accept the referral that was sent. Follow the steps in the Running and Receiving Referral Reports Job aide.

(Follow the steps below to input a client with the correct information if not already done by CAM)


  1. Review the Clients Profile to make sure all data that is collected is correct for ex. Full name correct, full SSN, date pf birth etc. 

  1. Review Households Tab to ensure all household members are listed, if applicable. (See Creating and managing households job aide for additional guidance)

  1. Add a Release of Information (ROI) (check box to apply to all household members, if applicable)

NOTE: A paper HMIS release of information will also need to be obtained from the client

  1. Create a VASH Project Entry (check box to apply to all household members, if applicable)

  1. Review and complete the MSHMIS VASH Intake Assessment (Type VA)
  1. Review all data collected by CAM Access to ensure accuracy and update answers that may have changed since the client contact CAM Access. 
  2.     Complete the remaining VASH-specific intake questions (see notes on ‘HUD VASH Intake Assessment Electronic Form’ located in onboarding folder for more information).

  1. The information in the entry assessment should be filled in by CAM intake staff and you should be able to update anything that has changed or is not correct while talking with the client. If this information is not filled out, then proceed with the next steps.
  2. Client Location is the same for whatever client comes through which is going to be MI-501 

  1. Household Information will need to be filled out, and if this field is already filled out from prior records confirm the information with the client before moving on.    
  2. Move onto the Disabilities and Health insurance questions and mark either yes or no, then press the HUD Verification link and indicate whether they have a disability or Health insurance. 
  1. You will click on HUD Verification and select No, so it auto fills all answers with no and then go through and select yes if they have disabilities. (Do this process for Health insurance, Income and Non-Cash benefits).

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(NOTE: This process will be done for Disabilities, Health insurance, and Income sections, for Income you will have to put an amount and it is all amounts added together and in the Monthly Income box you will have the amounts separated into what source of income they are receiving as seen below.)

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  1. Updating Disabilities, Health insurance, and Income need to be updated in an interim update if something changes after they have been entered into the program. (Refer to HMIS updates to provide guidance on updates and annual reviews pg. 7)
  2. Navigate to the Homeless History Interview questions where you will document prior living situation meaning where they were the night before they came into your program. Length of stay at the previous place, and then approximate date homeless, which if not auto filled by CAM staff it would be the last day, they were homeless. (Refer to Living Situation Job aide for more assistance). 
  3. The last questions on the assessment will need to be answered accordingly (If not already filled out):
                   ·        Last permanent address information if able to acquire information.

·         Zip Code of the last permanent address

·         Last grade completed (Education)

·         Domestic Violence information

·         Veteran information year entered military service, when they were separated from military service, VAMC station number, and contact information,

·         HUD VASH Voucher Tracking: Information date, and Voucher change, employed, and general health status (This applies to all adults in the household). 

  1. Chronic Verification interview should only be completed if the client was identified as chronically homeless.
  2. Save and Exit (TO check if the data was entered correctly you will want to run an APR, Refer to the Running and Reviewing the CoC APR Job aide for assistance).
  3. Add a Case Manager

  1. Add Case Note to existing VBNL Permanent Housing Plan goal


HMIS client records must be updated as changes occur. All assessment data collected after project intake must be entered on an Interim Review.

  1. Navigate to the Project Entry (on Entry/Exit tab) and click on the Interim Review icon

  1. Click Add Interim Review
    1. Interim Review Type = Update (check box to apply to all HH members, if applicable)
    2. Review Date = Date change occurred/date review completed

  1. Make necessary updates to the Detroit Veteran BNL Assessment and/or the MSHMIS VASH Update Assessment. Possible updates include:

Once in the VBNL Assessment make sure all necessary information is filled out in the veteran CE questions and the VBNL referral questions (if all the questions are not answered or filled out refer to the VBNL coordinator or CAM staff accordingly)

    1. An additional step is for VASH to add the veterans HOMES id number as this is data that can only be obtained from the VA system as community resources and program do not have access.

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Now that you have verified the referral information, you will complete the questions that pertain to SSVF providers for VBNL updates. 

  1. You will update the date of permanent housing plan and input the date it was created (NOTE: if this is not done at the client’s enrollment, then you will not fill this out, you will come back and put in an interim update and put in the date once it is created).

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  1. One additional step is on an as needed basis, and it is the offers of Permanent Housing. When these offers are submitted you will go and do an interim update and input the necessary information as shown below.

  1. Next you will input the date of HUD VASH Orientation and who the client’s assigned social worker in the following fields on the assessment.

    1. Date of HUD-VASH Enrollment (Briefing date/Voucher in hand)
    1. Date HUD-VASH Lease Signed

  1. Last is updating the Current Living Situation as needed for each client. This should be reviewed every time working with the client record. When you are updating the by name list assessment portion, you will enter a new current living situation start date to reflect that you are still working with the client. 

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  1. Current Living Situation (if changes occurred)
  2. Coordinated Entry Event: Referral to PSH project resource opening – update Referral Result and Result Date fields (when client is housed).

Once you complete the three sections above and the additional section as needed, you have done what you must do for your section of the VBNL assessment.

  1. After you have completed both the MSHMIS and Detroit VBNL assessments, you can navigate to the case manager tab in the client’s profile and add yourself or whomever is going to be the persons case manager.

  1. Next you will navigate to the case plans tab, and you will add case notes to the existing VBNL Permanent Housing Plan goal already inputted by the VBNL coordinator.

  1. Last you will click on the notebook icon and the window will pop up to add case note and you will add in a new case note for the client. 

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NOTE: All notes and updates need to be input in detail every 2 weeks. (This case note/goal does not get closed it stays open if the client is on the VBNL)

MSHMIS VASH Update Assessment

  1. Income and Non-Cash Benefits (if applicable)
  2. HUD VASH Voucher Tracking (as changes occur)

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