Overlapping Entry/Exit Data Errors

Overlapping Entry/Exit Data Errors

Overlapping Entries

An overlapping entry is when a client has an Entry Date in one provider that is before the Exit Date from another provider. This occurrence of overlapping entries will cause errors on reports.
  1. Overlapping entries with same provider
  2. Overlapping entries with different providers

Overlapping entries with same provider:

To resolve an overlapping entry with the same provider, you need to delete one of the project entry/exit that has the same date range.
  1. Enter EDA to the correct provider and navigate to the clients profile.
  2. Click the the Entry/Exit tab.
  3. Pay attention to any Interims, Follow-ups, and the Client Count associated to the project entry/exit, to ensure you maintain the project entry/exit that reflects client and household members served in your project if applicable.
In the example below, the project entry on the top should be deleted so the Interim attached to the other entry is not lost.

NOTE: Deleting an project entry will not delete assessment data entered. i.e., disabilities sources, income sources, race, ethnicity, etc.

Overlapping entries with different providers

When a client leaves one provider's program and enters another; there should be no overlapping of the program stays; clients should not be entered in two places at once. 


If a client's record shows two entries, one for a current ES stay and the other for a previous TH stay, then the Exit Date for the latter provider should be either the same date or before the Project Start Date to the ES stay. 

To fix the error, you will need to do one (or both) of the following:

  • Confirm the date when the client exited the TH program. If this is your provider, you can EDA into the correct program and change the date if it was not correct. If this is not your provider, you will need to contact the  listed TH program to make the corrections.
  • Confirm the date when the client entered the ES program. If this is your provider, you can EDA into the correct program and change the date if it was not correct. If this is not your provider, you will need to contact the listed ES program to make corrections.


If a client's record shows two Entry records, one for a current PSH stay and the other for an ES stay, then the Exit Date for the ES provider should be either the same date as or before the PSH entry's Housing Move-In Date. 

Click the Interim for the PSH project

 While in the PSH project entry, scroll down to the Housing Move-in Date section (HMD) to see if the date entered was before the ES Exit Date: 


To fix the error, you will need to do one (or both) of the following:
  • Confirm the date when the client exited the ES program. If this is your provider, you can EDA into the correct program and change the date if it was not correct. If this is not your provider, you will need to contact the  listed ES program to make the corrections. 
  • Confirm the date when the client moved into the PSH program. If this is your provider, you can EDA into the correct program and change the date if it was not correct. If this is not your provider, you will need to contact the  listed PSH program to make the corrections. 

You can see the exit date for ES was updated and corrected as occurring before the HMD clearing the error. 

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