ShelterPoint Referrals

ShelterPoint Referrals

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ShelterPoint Referrals

In ShelterPoint, verify that you are in the correct provider, select the appropriate unit list (if your

program has multiple unit lists), then click View All.


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There are three sections on this page: the unit list, which shows the clients that are currently entered and outstanding referrals, which shows the open referrals to this provider. This is where you will find the referrals sent from CAM. 

The outstanding referrals section shows the date of referral, client ID and name, need type, referring provider, their date of birth, and their gender. Clients referred as a household will share a group ID, although Faith Love & Kindness should only receive referrals for single adult males.

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Accept a Referral

  1. To accept a referral, click on the small bed icon on the left side of the referral.

  1. Assign the client to a bed by clicking Assign Unit, choosing a unit from the dropdown list and clicking Select. This determines where they will appear on the unit list.

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Any client not assigned a bed will be in Overflow.

  1. Be sure to check if your client has an updated ROI by clicking view ROI. If ROI is expired, obtain a signed ROI from your client, and enter the data here. 

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  1. Be sure to select the entry suitable for your program entry type.

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  1. The next section allows you to add services for the client, with the default date set to the entry date. Multiple services can be selected in this section, as appropriate.

  1. Click Save and Exit. You will now see them in the Unit List. You have accepted a referral in ShelterPoint.

Reject a Referral

  1. To reject a referral, click the edit pencil on the left side of the referral.

  1. Set the Referral Outcome to Decline if the client opted out of entering the program, or Canceled if the referral is being rejected for another reason.

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3. When Declined or Cancelled is selected, another dropdown will appear that asks for the referral rejection reason. Select the appropriate reason and click Save Referral Information. If a common reason for referral rejection is missing from the list, please alert the HMIS team so it can be added.
4.You will no longer see the referral for this client in the outstanding referrals section. You have rejected a referral in ShelterPoint.

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