Working with Households

Working with Households

When working with households, there are several factors to keep in mind:

  1. Selecting the correct household – When working with a client record, you will find many clients who appear to belong to multiple households. While there may be several factors that have caused this to happen, it is important to note that you select the correct household when creating your program entry.
  1. Removing Clients from a Household – When you know a client has left a household such as a child who becomes an adult and moves out or a ‘significant other’ who is no longer a member of the household, you need to remove that client from the household. Make sure you do not delete the household member as it deletes the client’s association with the household completely and may impact reporting. If you find a client that you feel should be deleted rather than removed, reach out to HAND for assistance.
  1. Include all household members on ROI – It is important when working with households that all household members be included on the ROI.
  1. Complete assessments for all household members on program entry – When creating your program entry, you must make sure to include all members of the household and complete the appropriate assessments on each. It is also very important that you make sure the Relationship to Head of Household is correctly selected on the assessment
For more information on Managing Households, refer to the job aid located here.

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